This Project was for the construction of a new high bay 8000 SF Simulator Building for Combat Rescue Helicopter Training. The 8,000 SF Building sits on a reinforced concrete foundation and floor slab which was achieved after excavating and establishing our sub grades for footings and foundation. The frame of the building was constructed using Structural Steel Framing with exterior walls constructed of masonry block. For aesthetics, we attached metal panels to the masonry blocks on the exterior of the building. The interior of the building consisted of a men’s and women’s restroom, a janitorial closet, two large conference rooms and a Simulator room. The interior finishes consist of a plumbing system, HVAC system, all electrical and communication, floor tiles, carpet tiles, drop in ceilings, and paint. To the exterior of the building, after we were done grading, we provided a crushed aggregate base parking lot with two handicap stalls that were paved in asphalt with the associated parking lot striping. We formed and poured concrete sidewalks from the parking lot to the main entrances and around the exterior of the building.
We dealt with many challenges related to the Covid-19 Pandemic. We had many delays in material procurement as well as difficulties with our sub-contractors dealing with their own internal COVID-19 issues. We found solutions to these challenges by meeting with the USACE and devising a plan to start doing our work completely out of sequence. This took a great deal of communications with the USACE, our sub-contractors and our own internal team. With this plan in place, we were able to keep the Project progressing throughout the duration and when materials became available and arrived, we were able to smoothly transition to the work associated with materials.