This project was to construct a new office building for the National Forest Service, housing the Dixie National Forest Supervisor’s Office and Cedar City Ranger District Office. The building is 15,800 SF and is wood framed with many intricate structural requirements, design features, and architectural finishes, including a grand main entry with large timber posts and beams.
In addition to the new building, there is new onsite curb, gutter, sidewalk, asphalt parking lot, all new onsite underground utilities, new irrigation system and landscaping, a geo-thermal system consisting of fifteen holes which were drilled to 350 foot depth, site lighting, new retaining walls, chain link fencing around the perimeter of the site, secure parking area, an interpretive area including picnic tables, an onsite drainage and retention pond system, as well as many other features unique to the Forest Service.
The Dixie National Forest project consisted of several steps prior to construction. First, there were multiple existing buildings that had hazardous materials abated and removed, such as asbestos, PCB light ballasts, old oil, solvents, a coal fired heating system, and lead paint.
Second, once we abated and removed these hazardous materials, these same existing buildings were demolished and removed from the site. Since this project was required to achieve two Green Globes as defined in the Green Building Initiative, we were required to separate all metal and recyclables from the demolished buildings and document that they were processed and recycled properly.
Third, all the existing underground utilities were excavated and removed. New utility tie-ins from the main road were then brought over 400 ft onsite to tie into the new building. This included water, sewer and storm drain pipping.
Fourth, overhead power lines were rerouted around the project site and placed underground.
Fifth, the existing curb, gutter sidewalk and driveway approach on Main Street had to be removed, adjusted, and replaced. Over 40,000 sq ft of asphalt paving was placed for the new parking lot, along with over 10,000 cu.yds. of concrete placed on the project for the structural building pad, sidewalks, curb & gutter, and retaining walls.